Monday, January 18, 2010

stream of consciousness

Whew, what a weekend! I'm sure Matt would say the same thing:) He lovingly filled me in on some of the highlights of the weekend on the way home from George White -car dealership where Matt's having his Cobalt serviced today. We met there at 8pm last night -after I got off work- so they'd have all day today to work on his car...leaving me vehicle-less today. Olivia doesn't have pre-school today, and we're stranded here in the house, just the kids and I. Groceries are getting low. I usually grocery shop on Monday, but that'll have to wait. Will be sort of fun to see what I come up with to feed us today! What can I make with a can of cream of chicken soup and corn-muffin mix? Joey's a snotty mess and teething again, so he was up at 3am and 6am, but easily went to sleep after snuggles and milk, then up for the day, sort-of, at 8am. The girls started in with their pony princess party right away this morning and have only stopped for breakfast and a bath. Olivia requested waffles and sausage!! Everyone ate a good breakfast and even drank their milk:) That makes a mama happy. After a warm meal this morning, time for baths. After I got the pj's peeled off Joey and into the bath, got him all cleaned up and desnottified. He smelled like snotty halitosis:( He enjoyed playing in the warm water all by himself, sans sisters, and went down easily for nap while the girls took over the bath. Now we're, ahem, they're all clean and happy...Joey still napping and the girls and I watching Enchanted. We never get a chance to watch movies together with all the "going going going" most weekdays, so I'm loving the quiet, stranded, day at home with them.

Wonder if that laundry's clean yet. Probably should run down and switch the loads over. I think I'll only do a few loads today, instead of hustling around trying to get EVERYTHING done in one day. I NEED to slow down and enjoy the kids and their company more often. Other plans for the day? Get caught up on the weekend's Bible reading and study. Oh, and I should probably shower sometime too:) I'll probably need a nap this afternoon, since last night's rest was fragmented...and I LOVE naps. Wonder if I could get one of the girls to snuggle with me during nap.

Pretty foggy out there, huh?

I bet the humidifier in Joey's room needs refilling. I wonder how clean that humidifier is. Wonder if I'm making him even sicker -that's right, sicker- by filling his room with dirty mist. How DO I clean the humidifier? And keep it clean? Hmmm. Better investigate.

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