Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As En Vogue would say...

"What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man, yes he is!" Okay, so I can think of one person who may read this and know what song and artist(s) I'm referring too:) Mrs. Nicholas? Any other "recognizers" had better leave a comment!

So Matt, my mighty good man, acted as an opossum wrangler on Monday morning. It was quite thrilling to the kids and I, as we watched safely from the kitchen window...snapping pictures of course:) Well, Matt took the first one, then I took over photography. He discovered this innocent little opossum, we've named him Pat, snuggled up in some garbage in our garage.

He dumped our little friend onto the cold driveway...

wrangled him...

and took him to live under an evergreen by the tracks in our backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Ewe!! Although this particular opossum is cuter than some i've seen, still ewe!!
