Thursday, January 7, 2010

Birthday Tree

Sylvia is standing in front of her "birthday tree". Got the idea from another blog that did this with their Christmas cards...but I can't recall the site:( Soooooo, she loves her birthday tree, but I'm a little disappointed with it. All it's decorated with is her greeting cards and lights. Any suggestions on how to spruce it up...ha, no pun intended...would be appreciated! Notice Sylvia sporting some of her new duds? Thanks Aunt Jenney and Uncle Seth!

1 comment:

  1. The card tree is cute. You asked for additional ideas. How about paper balloons, or different colored bows, or Happy Birthday garland, or colorful boas (sp) or long straws. How about a crown on the top of the tree. The list is endless, Ab.
    Great idea.
