Friday, January 29, 2010

Odd, and a bit disappointing.

What are all of you looking at?

Oh of course, the TV's over there.

No matter how much we shelter, ahem protect our kids, they're still gonna end up pretty "normal", aren't they? Our TV is on for maybe an hour every day...cartoons during breakfast. Do they innately think life revolves around the television? This was seriously difficult for me to see:(

Freaky? Clowns do it for some people, perma-smiling dollies do it to me.


  1. I love this. At least they are not all naked like the majority of the barbies in my house.

  2. haha! They could be looking at worse things :) I had a good laugh when I saw it.

  3. By the way, Natural as can be is me, Katie Tarbill. :)
