Friday, May 8, 2009


When the girls and I wanted a "treat" yesterday, they chose chocolate chip cookies. When I explained to Olivia that we didn't have any chocolate chips, she replied, "that's OK, we can just make M&M cookies", in a tone that suggested she was only settling. I then had to break it to her that we didn't have M&M's either. "Okay", I thought to myself, we'll make snickerdoodles or gingersnaps. As I gathered my cookie baking supplies, I realized we didn't even have butter or Crisco! Ughhh! We HAD to have a treat, so we mixed up some vanilla almond bark, peanut butter, marshmallows, and cereal (Cap'n Crunch). That's right, I found vanilla almond bark in the freezer, but no butter! When Matt heard how we came up with this treat recipe, he suggested that I buy some stock items next time I get groceries. He was also very thankful that I hadn't put any beans in the mix:)

Do you see my 'puter on the counter? I WAS following a recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Did the girls like the treats? Will you make them again? they looked good. I made Wheates (rice krispie) bars a couple of times. Awesome.
    Also diced orange slices in krispie bars is awesome too.
    just me
