Monday, May 11, 2009

Maiden Voyage: Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not shed joyful tears over many wonderful birthday cards and greetings. That would have meant that I was impressed and overwhelmed by the fact that I'd made it to #30 all in one piece and that I was even enjoying it somehow! Weeping over outpourings of love would have meant that I was thankful beyond measure for the beautiful life I'm privileged to live and the family and friends that share in it. No, not me!

I did not squeal the tires of my mini-van, in the presence of all my children, while pulling away from a fragmented four-way stop.

I certainly did not burn my tongue on a hot glass dish, dripping with melted vanilla almond bark, peanut butter mixture, right after carefully picking it up with a deliberately mitted hand. Hello-oh!

I would never have wondered if it would be out of the question to ask my 4 year old child to change my 2 year old's diaper. How outrageous would that have been?


  1. Nice "not-me's". Your children are adorable.

    (found you through MckMama)

  2. Totally laughed about the diaper thought. I most certainly have not wondered the same thing about my 5yo son. Now's a good time to learn, right?
