Monday, May 18, 2009

"Not me!" Monday

I always keep our house spotless. It's easy with the 3 kids, hubby, and cat residing in the mansion with me-I have tons of spare time. So it would be absurd to think that my kitchen floor had crumbs piling up from more than one day, let alone a week! Of course, I sweep on a daily basis and did NOT put on a pair of slippers while working in the kitchen, so that I wouldn't feel the floor debris on my bare feet. Not me!

My children are angels at all times, so I did NOT have to put Livvy Lou in time-out for shoving Sister Sue. And I certainly did NOT leave her there twice as long as I'd planned to...because Lord knows there's plenty of quiet time in this house. I did NOT need a few extra minutes of silence that day!

I know my limits and have well-laid boundaries that govern my daily actions. No, I did NOT add face-booking to a lengthy list of addictions I must break. And no, blogging is NOT on that list.

Recycling has it's place. Upon the wise advice of Nurse Hass, I did NOT let the girls use my postpartum irrigation bottles as sprinklers during our planting last week. That would just be WRONG!

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. Ha are the second post (check out thelaughinggirl's post on the carnival if you get a chance) I randomly clicked on that confessed to addiction of Facebook and blogging...and I'm right there with you both.

  2. Welcome to the 12-step blogginng & facebooking program. So far it has been unsuccessful...I am not only a current program failure but, also the president...LOL
