Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10,000 and Counting

Today our blog reached 10,000 hits! Thanks everyone for sticking with us!

(By the way, it was someone from the "Maytag Corporation" that was our lucky 10,000th visit. Who could that be!? I think I know.)


  1. Okay...I am officially stalking you guys!! We just love you guys!! We both look forward to the updates every day :)

  2. I am way behind this week. It just does not seem possible school is starting already. It will be a good year for you Matt when your heart is in the right place and it sure seems to be. After that first day the ice is broken, Matt. It's like riding a bike - right?
    Little Olivia you look so cute on your first day of preschool. Abbey how did Sylvia do without C-O? Little Joseph has changed a lot since the wedding weekend.
    Love _ _ _ aka _ _ _ _ _ _ _
