Friday, May 21, 2010


What a fun little crew we have. The kids got to eat one lunch this week in the girls' bedroom, as I've been busily painting away in the kitchen.

It's been quite interesting trying to keep these three corralled while I try to concentrate on the painting task. A novice, such as myself, maybe should not have picked a kitchen as my first major painting project. "Painting, no big deal" you say? Well, that thought may have crossed my mind too...before I tackled the monster project. Oh well, it's done now and yippee skippy, we've got another showing this Sunday:) Hope they're not disappointed the kitchen looks different than the pictures. Wouldn't that be lovely? Ha!

In other news...Joey's been acting sick for over a week no. Can't blame his molars anymore, since they're fully surfaced on the bottom. Soooo, I took him in to the pediatrician's office today. Yep, bilateral ear infection. At least I didn't let them get to the point of rupturing, like I did poor little Sylvia's when she was about this age. That was a definite "Mother of the Year" moment...NOT!

Can't wait for the sun to shine again. I get so down and blah when it's dreary out.

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