Saturday, December 6, 2008

Naughty or Nice?

The other night while we were at the dinner table we had a discussion with Olivia about things that nice girls do and things that naughty girls do.  We asked her to show us different things that naughty girls do and she was more than willing to show us!  I joined in and showed the girls a few (exaggerated) examples of naughty behavior. One in particular was where I would cross my arms and say "That's not fair!" in a pouty voice then I'd stick my tongue out.  Both girls immediately started doing it and it was hilarious!  Ab and I couldn't stop laughing.  I'm sure we were really doing a great job of teaching them that these behaviors are wrong eh? But it was too funny.  I tried to catch some video of it but as every toddler is trained to do, they stop doing what is cute the second you hit record.  I did get some of it though but it doesn't do justice to exactly how funny it was, but you'll get the idea.


  1. Thanks for the great laugh today! Sounds similar to what I hear around our dinner table, but 5 kids makes it much more... loud:)

  2. I love the video. We have had the same conversation with Ava. It seems the older they get, the more you have to talk about it.

  3. hilarious! MY favorite part was Olivia's "can i look?" at the end! too funny!

  4. Absolutely Hilarious!! I love how there are so many funny moments at the dinner table! We enjoyed our time with you both and the girls last weekend, so very much! We miss you all already! Love, Jen and Seth
