Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mighty Hunter

This weekend Ab had to work so I took the girls to Mt. Vernon to visit my brother.  The girls were excited because they were able to see their cousins and G-ma and Papa.  I got to tag along and go hunting with my dad, brother, brother-in-law, and nephew.  It was fun and what made it worthwhile was Jesse getting a deer! Good work!  

Also congratulations to Nick and Julie on their engagement! Now Abbey and I both have brothers getting married next summer!

We're ready to go!!
On the road with the girls!
The hunters with their prize!
Cody lending a hand with the deer.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. The kids probably had great fun, too. Congrats to Nick.
    Looks like it will be deer steaks for Christmas for Jesse's family. :0)
    Enjoy your Christmas season.
    Love, _ _ _ aka _ _ _ _ _ _ _
