Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

One last blog before we spend the holiday with friends and family.  Throughout the Christmas season I have thought about all of the blessings in my life.  I thought I would share them with you all.

*I have a job.  In a time when finances are tight and some businesses are cutting back, I feel fortunate to have a job.  Not only do I have a job, I have one that I enjoy.  Sure it is stressful and I give in to the urge to complain about it from time to time but I am blessed to do what I do.  I have the opportunity to change someone's life forever every time I go to work.  That's amazing.

*I have a home, not just a house.  I find myself excited to get home every evening.  I can't wait to get home to see my girls and smell the smells of a home-cooked meal.  What a blessing.

*I have family.  My children have wonderful grandparents.  I have siblings that are involved in my life. I have many wonderful people in my extended family that make our life full of love.  Bless you all.

*We are having a healthy pregnancy.  Some minor complications earlier in the pregnancy helped me understand the fragility of life and how much of a blessing and a miracle a healthy pregnancy is.  We are excited to welcome little "J" into our family with open hearts and open arms.

*Sylvia. My little rough-n-tumble princess.  For those of you that know her, you know that I am not one of her favorite people in the world.  She is definitely a momma's girl.  She is unique, not much like her sister, but she loves her sister a lot.  I know she loves me and I feel so lucky to know her, let alone be her father.  I am so blessed.

*Olivia. My first born, my princess through and through.  She loves to sing and she loves to dance. I hope that never changes.  She is so full of life that I can hardly keep up.  She has taught me so many things and she's not even 4 years old yet.  I will never forget the first time I held her in my arms after she was born.  I cried tears of joy. I had never been so happy, so full of love, and so proud in my whole life. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

*My wife. All of the words in all of my life could not express what Abbey means to me.  I literally owe her my life.  She has been such a positive person in my life, I am better because of her. I feel lucky to have someone that sees past my shortcomings and loves me for me.  I feel blessed to have her as the mother of our children, she is such a wonderful mother.  I feel fortunate to have someone to grow old with.  I feel lucky to be married to someone who wrote in my yearbook in 6th grade (yes, 6th grade) "I hope I never have to sit by you again."

*My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is, of course, Christmas and the biggest blessing of all is that God sent his only son to live with us on Christmas day and to eventually die for our sake.  I am thankful for all of the ways that Jesus has shaped my life and led me on this path and continues to be at my side.  For without Him, I am nothing.

I hope this Christmas finds you and yours happy and healthy.  Merry Christmas and may the Lord bless you all this holiday.

"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him." -1 John 4:9


  1. You did a great job expressing your feelings, Matt. Not everyone can do that. I am sure your family is very proud. It is always nice to know how important you are to the one you love and respect. You do have a great family, Matt and yes you are a great Dad. Everytime I see you with your family I am impressed with you as a Dad and a husband.

  2. This was very nice and brings tears to my eyes everytime I read it. You should have put this in your Christmas card. Love, Courtney
