Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hello, I'm a Mac

Well, it's official...I have taken the leap to the other side!! I purchased my first Mac yesterday. I visited my local Apple Store and walked out with the new MacBook. So far, so good.....I am still getting used to the new OS but it's been fun. I have my phone-a-friend, Karen, helping me with the transition so it's all good (or maybe I should say video conference-a-friend!!). Karen and I had our first iChat video conference with our Macs and it was a blast!! How cool! I will keep you posted about what life with a Mac is like in case you are a frustrated PC user who's contemplating the move!!! We still have our PC up and running for some applications and for Abbey (she's still a PC....but not for long...muahahaha!)


  1. It is about time you come to the dark side of computers. My Mac is the best thing in the world. I don't know what I would do without it now. Good luck and if you need any help let me know. Later

  2. welcome, my friend, welcome!

    Our internet move to the basement didn't/isn't going to smooth...I was hoping to get on for another chat last night. Obviously that didn't happen!
