Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Video

Still trying to master this whole YouTube/Embedding thing. I'm getting better so I don't feel like I'm losing my grasp of technology! Here's a clip of the girls playing on the beach at my parents' lake home in Minnesota.

Now that I've taken care of this I'm going to take the girls on a bike ride! Ab is working today so I got to have some QT (quality time) with the girls. We went to church today and the girls were (for the most part) on their best behavior which I was extremely grateful for! They even cooperated enough for me to attend Adult Bible Study which I am also grateful for. It was nice to participate in some adult conversation.

Enjoy the video and hopefully we can keep them coming!


  1. I love the videos and music choices. I can't belicve that little stinker is walking so well in just 1 week.
    Guess who! ___ aka _______

  2. Looks like Sylvia has gotten the walking thing down now. Congrats on the teacher of year!! Good thing the lake video doesn't show that the water was only about 60 degress!:)
