Friday, June 27, 2008

Can I have ice cream with my Humble Pie?

Pride is a dangerous thing, and it comes in many forms. Here is a formal definition:
a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

I am no stranger to pride. At one point it ruled my life. I was so prideful as to think I was above the authority of God, or I was too smart for God. Oh what a giant helping of humble pie can do for the spirit. God has put me in many situations to humble me (mostly because I'm a slow learner). I have certainly made progress but there is still work to be done. I am reminded of this by the situations I still find myself in.

As you all may know, I recently interviewed at Ames Middle School for a pretty sweet job...and didn't get it. Now I might have been inclined to feel sorry for myself (also a form of pride, "Why didn't I get the job?") but I took comfort in knowing it wasn't my time. Most recently I have had my pride tested again. Last year I interviewed at one of Ankeny's middle schools (also a sweet job) and got second place (which means I didn't get the job). So the other day I hear that the first year teacher that I mentored was hired at Ankeny middle school and is going to be making a lot more money than me (why do people feel the need to mention that?). Oh, there it is...that sting of pride. That feeling that sneaks up and makes you want to get angry and say the things that the devil puts in your head. It was a good test, that's for sure.

What did I do? Feel sorry for myself? Get mad at the teacher for getting an awesome job that I didn't? Get mad at the school for not hiring me last year? No. Did I want to? YEAH! What did I do? I humbled myself. It was an actual action (it's not natural for me yet!) Here is the verb definition of humble that I love:

To curtail or destroy the pride of.

To destroy the pride of. I like that. I made a conscious effort to destroy the pride that was welling up in me. I reminded myself of God's plan for me (Jeremiah 29:11). Who am I to rebuke Him?

The next time you feel that you haven't gotten what you deserve, want to feel sorry for yourself, feel that you are better than someone else, think your boss is incompetent, or any of the other negative and destructive thoughts that pride brings just go to the fridge and dish yourself up a big slice of humble pie, and don't forget the ice cream. It makes it taste better.

"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." Matthew 23:12


  1. Love that verse, Matthew 23:12! Couldn't be put any clearer:) I'm proud of YOU.

  2. Max Lucado in his daily readings entitled "Cure for the Common Life-Living in Your Sweet Spot" writes for today June 28th "Worship gives God honor, offer him standing ovations. We can make a big deal about God on Sundays with our songs and on Mondays with our strengths. Every day in every deed. Each time we do our best to thank God."

    True joy about this choice is all I can truly say Matt. Very awesome. Well-written heart thoughts also. Writing is a gift you have also been given. (I know someone very special in heaven is smiling right along side of me, too)

    love _ _ _ aka _ _ _ _ _ _ _
