Friday, February 26, 2010

Works like a charm

This was our first official "kid" DVD. Sesame Street Sings Karaoke was a hand-me-down movie that Olivia fell in love with at the ripe old age of 1...maybe 11 months old. Anywho...this particular DVD has really made the rounds, thoroughly entertaining the Gerdes children (our kids' cousins) and now all of ours. I resorted to a showing of it tonight, when I couldn't bear the thought of coming up with one more activity for the kids. I'm totally wiped, and the littlest one loves it just as probably EVERY 1 year old would. I pick this one when it's Mommy's choice for a few reasons.

  1. There are absolutely NO fairies or princesses in it.
  2. It's short, relatively speaking...about 40 minutes long.
  3. It has mostly singing, with catchy tunes that are age appropriate.
  4. Elmo makes kids FREAK.

Joey couldn't get enough of Sesame Street Karaoke...he "raced" to the TV, as close as he could get anyways, and proceeded to squeal and bounce. ADORABLE!

It comes highly recommended by mamas and children alike:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss listening to that DVD!! I bet I can still sing all the songs that are on there. It's always nice to pull out old ones. Glad they are enjoying it again.

