Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

I took the girls trick or treating tonight. They picked out their own outfits for the night. They wanted to wear their dress up clothes. They also wanted case you don't know, dad is no good at make-up! My first attempt on Olivia almost made her cry but after we washed it off and reapplied she was happier about being seen in public. They also had some jewel stickers that came with the make-up to put on their faces.

After we made the rounds and collected a bucket of treats we came home and handed out candy to the other trick or treaters. It was a pleasant night for it thankfully!

Who'da thought they'd want to be princesses?

We kept the make-up very subtle.

Collecting treats!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Today we did our traditional pumpkin carving! The girls could not wait to do their pumpkins ever since bringing them home last week. They must have asked at least 100 times!

This is Olivia's pumpkin. She wanted a mean face jack-o-lantern so I drew one on her pumpkin first to see if she liked it. She didn't. It just wasn't mean enough for her. So I started over and drew this one. She was pleased with it.

This is Sylvia's pumpkin. She wanted a snake but we felt that a goofy face was more in order. She didn't seem to mind.

This is Joseph's pumpkin. He insisted that it be an Iowa State pumpkin :) This pumpkin took far too long to do to look this bad! Some parts fell out of the design. Maybe next year we'll stick to the simple designs!

Here the girls are working hard on clearing out the innards of their pumpkins. Sylvia wasn't very interested in getting hers out. This picture was staged to make it seem as if Sylvia was really working on hers!!

More pictures here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Once in a Lifetime....

In case you were not following college football this weekend, let me update you. The Cyclones managed to beat the Cornhuskers in Lincoln for the first time in MY LIFE! The last time they did this was 1977. What an amazing win! GO STATE!

Head coach Paul Rhoads is a little excited about the win

I also could not pass up the opportunity to welcome my Cyclones home from their monumental victory. Here is video of me and a horde of Clone fans giving our boys a proper greeting:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Festival

Today we went to our church's Fall Festival. Some members of our church host families on their farm complete with food, games, hay rides, s'mores, campfire, and songs. It was a great autumn afternoon for such an event. The girls had a great time. They loved the hay ride and Olivia found some friends to play and climb on hay bales with. We ended with some hymns around the fire. It was a great time filled with food, fun, faith, and fellowship. What more do you need?

More pics here.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The things children say...

The girls have been cracking me up lately, so I have to share.

Me(while driving): What is that car doing? This is not a two lane road! ...grumble, grumble Oh, now they're trying to cut in front of us!
Olivia(from back of minivan): Whoa, they must be in a big hurry. I bet they have a nah-point-ment.

Sylvia: I want to sleep with Olifia.
Me: No Sissy, you talk too much during nap and won't go to sleep. You need to nap in separate rooms.
Sylvia: But I luhf hew!

Olivia(towel drying off after bath): I don't want to put my jammies on. I want to have naked day.
Me: Like pajama day?!?
Olivia(totally serious): Ya.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The kids' G-ma [jee-maw] knew that they would enjoy this miniature library set and had a great time playing with it when G-ma and Papa were visiting. Of all the places to play after that weekend, the girls curiously set it up under the close supervision of their Grandpa Keith, as if he's part of the play. Weird things catch me sometimes, and even the Barbie has significance, as it was an original childhood toy of my own. I remember my Dad, Grandpa Fitch, make-believing with me and this very Barbie doll many years ago. Big idea: our children are BLESSED and God's plan is PERFECT!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Soup Season

I don't know when or how I became such a soup FREAK! I crave it and just can't get enough of the stuff, especially this time of year. Unfortunately for my family, who are not soup-eaters, I plan on making lots of soup in the coming months. I end of eating a few bowls, then freezing individual portions of the rest. Is this girl really "stocking the freezer"? ...YEP!

My apologies for the poor pictures. I need a lesson on how to photograph my edible creations so that they appear as appealing as they do in person:(

We coupled our broccoli-cheese soup with grilled ham & cheese sammies. They weren't nearly as black as they look in the pics.

And to give credit (and thanks) where credit is due! This recipe comes straight from the Grace Lutheran Church Cookbook, "Heavenly Delights". I've been making some of the recipes submitted by the mothers of my childhood friends. The last batch of cookies I made were with Sandy LaBahn's (Megan Henning's mom) chocolate-chip cookie recipe. The following is from Tami Mullinex's mom.

Broccoli-Cheese Soup -Jeanne Schultz

4 chicken bouillon cubes
1 qt. water
1 cup celery, finely chopped
1 cup onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup carrots, finely chopped
2 1/2 cup cubed potatoes
1 (29oz) pkg. frozen broccoli bits
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed

Combine bouillon cubes, water, celery, carrots, and onion. Bring to a boil. Cook gently for 20 minutes. Add potatoes and frozen broccoli; bring to a boil and continue cooking for 20 minutes. Add chicken soup and cheese. Heat until cheese is melted and thoroughly mixed. Serve immediately.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cheerful Breakfast

Our family does share meals with one another on a daily basis, but how can I be sure that once in awhile, a memory sticks? So I had some fun with an egg/milk mixture, skillet, and cookie cutter:) Can you think of anything better to do at 6:30am? (the crack of dawn or before is the typical rising time of our children) This meal was certainly NOT gourmet, with the Eggo waffle and all, but maybe memory rich!

Olivia gobbled up her star-shaped eggs.

What kind of memories are you making today?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Baby legs

Baby legs are all the rage this I made some for my own baby:) Check them out! Adorable, don't you agree? Oh yeah, and Joey's crawling now...hee hee.

Here's Sylvia being her silly sister self. I had to snap some candids of her after her near-death experience yesterday. Ya, she was almost backed over by a minivan while walking up the driveway at the sitter's house. Let's just say God's hand was on her more visibly than one could ever imagine. Praise Him!

Wish I could leave you readers with a glance at Miss Olivia, but we don't want to glorify her time-outtedness:( Nope, that is not the first or last time you'll see made-up words on our blog!

Monday, October 5, 2009

ISU Volleyball

Last Saturday we had a night out with the family. We headed out to the Hilton to check out the Cyclone Volleyball team. We were able to sit close to the court so the kids could see the action. We are also very close to Cy. Sylvia and Joe enjoyed getting up close with him, but Olivia still fears him.

We usually grab some Subway before we go to the Hilton

Ab, Olivia, and Joe....court-Cy'd

Sylvia and me

Me, Joe, and Cy

Me, Sylvia, and Cy

Other pics from the game here.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We've been busy!!

So, we've been reduced to blogging once a week? Sorry about the miscellaneous nature of this post:( Last weekend, I worked Childserve Friday night, we hosted a garage sale on Saturday, attended church and a baby shower on Sunday, then had a full week of work and normal craziness, more Childserve last evening, another impromptu garage sale today, ISU volleyball game tonight, and possible pumpkin patch tomorrow-weather pending. Whew...and still managed to snap some pics. Enjoy!!!

The girls had fun hanging out during the garage sale...can you believe it's already hat and gloves season?

Joey in his cutie patootie bibs, showing us his stuff on all fours...rocking, rocking:)

How comfy does this little guy look in his Saturday football watching gear. Daddy took one look at this outfit and had to run and put on a matching outfit!

Kiddos hanging out one evening. Gotta try to catch them not looking once in a while.

Sylvia enjoys some "alone-time" at the desk.