Thursday, July 29, 2010

We've Moved!

We no longer live in Ames so amesrudens was not a good name for the website. We can now be found at:

See you there!

**If you have us bookmarked or in your favorites, make sure you update that address!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Going Out with a Bang (and a splash)

I awoke last night to the sound of our wind chime followed by some light rain. I saw light peaking through the shades so I thought it was morning. I figured I would hear Joey chattering in his crib since he is the first one up but it was very quiet. The gentle chiming outside started to turn more into a clanging and I could hear sheets of rain hitting the windows. I decided to get up and take a look. Since most of our things are packed up I do not have a clock in the bedroom. So it was quite a surprise to me that it was only 2:20am.

I peaked out the kitchen window to see that the light coming into the bedroom was our motion light which was turned on by the rain and wind. I watched as the rain and wind picked up very rapidly. Suddenly the kids' little bench swing went airborne and turned over. Since the wind was out of the north I was worried that water would seep into the basement like it usually does. It was dry the first time I checked but that didn't last long. The winds pushed water under our backdoor and their was a pool in the kitchen in no time. I ran around trying to find something to stop the water. Thankfully we had a tub of towels in the basement that I raided. Shortly after containing the kitchen mess I checked the basement again to find water running down the walls and dripping from the ceiling onto our furniture. As I started moving furniture out from under the water the power goes out. I managed to find our flashlight and continue the water containment project. Finally the storm passes, the water is contained, and the power is restored.

This morning I ventured out to clean up the debris. Our trash was strewn down our driveway and down the street. According to the news we had 75 mph wind.

Here's a shot of the wind tunnel.
Messed up swing set

The wind snapped the stakes that held the swingset in the ground.

I'm glad we still have a house to sell!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Last days in Ames

Moving day is approaching and we've been packing, packing, sweating, and packing some more. Now the kids and I are hanging out, living off of plasticware and paper plates. It's tough to keep kids occupied when most of their stuff is packed away so we are doing our best.

As we were finishing up the busiest packing day at dusk we spotted this owl perching atop a tree in our back yard.

One of the few play items the kids have is their little bench swing. We snapped this cute picture just before mommy had to leave.


Well...just when we were starting to sweat it out we received an offer on our house after having two showings in one day. We received the offer on our 10th anniversary so that was a nice gift.

Catching up with July...

While Ab was in Spencer working four 12s over the 4th of July the kids and I stayed in LeMars. We were able to spend a couple days with Gma & Papa and a couple days with Gramma Lola. While at Gma and Papa's the kids got to play and play with their cousins; one of their favorite activities. I didn't get any pictures because the kids were out of sight playing most of the time. I also got to get away briefly and check out the disc golf course in LeMars and managed to lose one of my discs in the creek.

While at Lola's the kids enjoyed sprinklers and bubbles...

...and popsicles...

...and ice cream...

...and chocolate...

...and sparklers...

Can we take the Mustang for a spin Gramma??

Waiting for the fireworks

Sylvia and Gramma Lola

Joey and Momma